Welcome! Cubic Worlds is an open server that anyone can visit and explore, but Guests on our Minecraft server cannot place or break blocks, or use most commands. While you can spend as much time exploring as you like, eventually you'll want to apply to become a full Member so that you can get your own awesome builds underway.
You can choose to apply either here on our forum or through our Discord server. Whichever method you choose, a staffer will check your application and get you promoted to Member as soon as possible.
Ready to get started? The first thing you should do is read and understand our Community Rules, most of which are plain common sense - we're a friendly bunch and we try to keep things as simple as possible. Once you've done that, register yourself a forum account (if you didn't already) and either post a reply onto this thread or make a new one that gives the information below:
● What's your Minecraft username?
● Explain in a few words why griefing is a bad thing.
● Please tell us honestly if you've ever griefed on other servers. (We won't automatically turn you down because of this!)
● Confirm that you've read our rules by including our Golden Rule in your application.
Optionally, we'd love to know a bit more about you, but no problem if you prefer not to say:
● Have you played on any other online Minecraft servers?
● How did you find out about Cubic Worlds?
That's it! A staffer will check your app out usually within 24 hours and if everything looks good, turn you into a full Member!
We look forward to Minecrafting with you in Cubic Worlds and hope that you enjoy your stay in our community.

Get in a brand new kitchen and compete to "cook" whatever strange "food" Gary desires each round! Check this countdown timer to see when the event starts.