Although I've spent a fair bit of time tinkering behind the scenes to try and match the new forum up to the old one as much as I can, we're now using a different forum software and it's inevitable that a few things will be different. I understand that in some respects this may be a step backwards but it was necessary to ensure I can keep things updated in the future.
A few things to keep in mind
● Unfortunately, if you didn't already do so, you'll need to re-register a forum account. This means you'll also have to set up your avatar and any signature that you used again. Sorry!
● If I can see that you had an account on the old forum then I'll automatically restore your post count and original registration date within a day or three. Please don't hesitate to ping me about doing this if it looks like I forgot.
● Spam-bots still want to get to know us just as much as before. This means that new accounts usually need manual activation. See below for what I mean.
How to register and activate your account
Registration itself is as easy as ever - while logged out, just use the Register link at the top right of the page. However, accounts also require activation. In the past I had the forum allow users to activate their own new accounts just by clicking a link sent to their email. We relied on a captcha in the registration form to prevent bots from getting that far - but sadly, modern spambots are too devious, and none of the captchas available for this forum seem to make any difference.
So for most of the time, I'll now be manually activating any newly-registered accounts. Even though I've become pretty good at sifting out which usernames are real people and which are probably spam, doing things this way means that you'll have to wait a short while before you can use your new account. If this takes too long and you think that your registration was missed, ping me in-game, or in Discord.
There may be some periods - like this weekend, in fact! - where I'm paying dedicated attention to the forum and turn self-activation back on temporarily. People who want to register can do so more easily, and meanwhile I'll regularly prune any spambots that might get through.
And that's about it. All your feedback is welcome!